Sunday, November 29, 2015

Something's gotta give...

When I was a child living in North Philadelphia, my biggest fear was that someone was going to kill me or one of my brothers before we had a chance to move out of our neighborhood and give our parents a better life.

As I get older, and thank God everyday for more life, my fear is now that my brothers, friends, my future sons, and even myself will come across "the wrong" Police Officer on "the wrong day".

I have this spirited debate time and time again with my Father (retired detective for the Philadelphia Police Department) that if I'm walking down a dark street and I see a young black man walking towards me on one side and a cop on the other, 9/10 times I feel safer on the side with the young black man... More than likely, he's just trying to get to where he needs to be and is not looking for any trouble. I cannot say the same for the Cop.

To the Cop, we are suspects in an active murder/robbery/assault investigation that can quickly turn into sanctioned target practice solely because of the color of our skin. It doesn't matter that I'm a Doctor and this young black man walking towards me has the potential to be our future US Attorney General. What matters is that we're not wearing clear identifiers that state our worth to society and that makes it ok for him to harass us as well as give that cop the right to take my life as if it means nothing.

The system is rigged and Police have the biggest gang in the world. Of all the police shooting publicized in recent years, how many have ended with a conviction of murder? Scratch that, how many were even charged?!?!

I read an article in the Wall Street Journal last year that cited a Bowling Green State University Criminologist who showed that "41 officers in the U.S. were charged with either murder or manslaughter in connection with on-duty shootings over a seven-year period ending in 2011. Over that same period, the Federal Bureau of Investigation reported 2,718 justified homicides by law enforcement..." How is this even factual data?!

In today's society where everything gets "microwave media coverage", I doubt that this story will last no longer than two weeks but the pain and anguish that Laquan McDonald's family will endure will last a lifetime...

I am a firm believer that jail is a clear deterrent. If a police officer knew that by murdering a man he has a high chance of going to prison he would he more hesitant to pull the trigger. Unfortunately the system is severely flawed and it allows for so many people to be cut down in the streets like animals and their murderers walk away unscathed...

There has to be a better way. Murders should not be able to hide behind a badge. My Father (retired Air Force, retired Detective) never had to discharge his weapon in 20+ years in the PPD. So I truly believe there are ways to mitigate tough situations without increased violence. Maybe change the hiring requirement or something. I don't know but something's gotta give. #LaquanMcDonald #Chicago

Saturday, January 17, 2015

The Legacy of Barack H. Obama...

In 2008, the United States of America elected our 1st African American President. I was elated at the idea of having this "great orator" being our next President. Partially because I am a Black man for North Philadelphia with very little role models growing up and this was the opportunity for other young Black man to have something positive to aspire to emulate. The other reason for my elation was due to it being the official good bye to President George W. Bush. Although he seemed very genuine in his belief, I constantly was overwhelmed with the idea that he did not have a clue as to what he was doing over the entire 8 years of his tenure as President.

Now, as I sit back and admire my President for what he has accomplish, I smile at the idea that he was will go down as one of the top 10 Presidents this country has even produced. Although this is may seem naive since history will determine the place of Barack Hussein Obama. We will have to wait 30-40 years to see which of his actions have a lasting effect. No one will remember any of the divisive up-rise that ensued after his election. History will judge him on

  • Opening up Cuba, 
  • Fighting for equal pay for women
  • Abolishing Don't Ask, Don't Tell  
  • Immigration reform by way of the Dream Act
  • Implementation of the Affordable Care Act (Obama Care), 
  • Repair of the economy (although it completely squeezed out the middle class), 
  • Saving the auto industry (while forcing them to make more fuel efficient vehicles), 
  • and what ever else he can accomplish over the next 2 years.

Sidenote; I kick myself for not going to his speech on racial equality in Philadelphia during the 2008 Presidential campaign. That was a legendary moment in history and I missed in to sit in the library and study... Which is what I am currently in the library attempting to do this evening.